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Is a constitutional disease of the feet, and is due to a habit of body or grossness of constitution, as exhibited by thick, round legs, large feet, and the lymphatic tem perament. It usually begins in the frog, but it may be gin in any other part of the plantar surface. It much resembles grease of the leg, and often coexists with it. There is an abundant, fetid, colorless discharge from the frog, which is large, spongy, and covered by pallid, stringy
Fig. 72. Worst stage of Canker. Fig. 73. Improvement in Canker.
prominences of a fungoid nature, intermixed with an of fensive smelling, semi-dried, cheesy matter, composed of imperfect horn cells. The sound feet of a horse predis posed to canker very often have an abominable smell, as if the animal suffered from a “ sulphureted hydrogen diathesis.” (Williams.)
Remedy.—Remove all superfluous horn and fungous growths. Dress with silver nitrate, chromic acid, zinc
chloride solution, or sulphuric acid and tar. In persist ent cases caustics and astringents must be changed fre quently. Tonics and salines. Liberal diet. Cleanliness. Pressure to fetlock for bleeding. Pack with dry tow; bandage ; protect with leather boot. For doses, see pages 13 to 29.
Is a fetid discharge from the frog. The cleft is usually first affected. If neglected the disease spreads over the whole organ, the horn becoming detatched from the bulbs of the heels to the toe of the frog. The cause is usually filth, but the disease may originate in frostbite, grease, swelled legs, &c.
Thrush differs from canker in the nature of the dis eased secretion, and also in its course and tractability.
Remedy.—Cleanliness. A leather sole may be placed within the shoe. Dust with calomel. Dress with tar or wood tar oil. Dose of physic, especially when associated with constitutional causes. Regulate feeding and work. Shoe with tips if feet strong and animal works chiefly on land.
Is a bony tumor on the inner and lower part of the hock, arising from inflammation of the cuneiform and metatarsal bones, terminating usually in stiffness of one or more of the gliding joints of the hock. It is very rare on the outer side of the hock.
Spavins arise from causes that are hereditary or consti tutional and local. The local or exciting causes are sprains of the ligaments and concussion of the bones. One fer tile cause is the alteration of the direction of the leg, induced by the use of high calkined shoes. These high heels alter the relative position of the limb, from the hip downward, and cause shocks of concussion at every step.
Remedy.—Rest. Purgative and fomentations where
there is much lameness. In young horses hasten the in. evitable stiffness by a blister, firing, seton, or periosteot- omy (dividing the periosteum, a very hard, elastic sub stance next to the bones and roots of the teeth). In old horses sometimes incurable. The bone softens.
When caused by inflammation of the joint, is a tense, fluctuating swelling, accompanied by heat and pain. This form constitutes unsoundness. It may be acute or chronic. In the acute form the lameness is very great, with fever, loss of condition, and the ability to put the foot to the ground. It is apt to end in ulceration of the articular
Fig. 74. Bog Spavin, or distention of the chief synovial membrane of the
hock joint.
cartilage and partial stiffness of the joint. Some bog spavins, however, are almost harmless, being mere dropsy of the articulation (synovia for lubricating joints), arising from some fault of conformation.
Remedy.—Rest ; in severe cases sling. High heeled shoe. Foment when hot and tender. Cold water and re frigerants when inflammation abates. Spring truss in young animals sometimes gives equable pressure. Counter- irritation encourages absorption. Firing-iron or seton in chronic cases.
Is a small, roundish or oval, membranous cavity on the lower part of the thigh and upper and back part of the
hock, caused by disease of the tendon of the flexor pedis perforans muscle, which muscle is inclosed in a synovial sheath on the inner side of the ‘ os calcis,’ or by dropsy of the sheath itself, without disease of the tendon. The fluid which fills it may, by pressure, be forced from one side to the other. Hence the name thorough-pin (through and through). This may be described as true thorough- pin, in contradistinction to that associated with very large bog spavins. Thorough-pin is peculiar to short, fleshy, upright hocks.
Fig. 75. Spring Truss for Thorough-pin and Bog Spavin.
Remedy.—Rest ; high heeled shoe ; flannel bandages. Equable pressure from a spring truss. Blister if swelling persists. Open sac at most dependent part if necessary.
Consists in swelling of the sheath containing the per- foratis and perforans tendons, at the back and a little above the knee joint, and is treated similarly to thorough- pin of the hock.
Is a bony tumor (exostosis), usually, when on the fore feet, on the inner surface of the metatarsal or metacar- pal bones. Splint of the hind feet, however, is usually on the outer surface of the metatarsal bone. It seldom causes lameness in the hind feet, and does not always cause it in the fore,
Splint is caused by concussion and hereditary predispo sition, especially that arising from shape and form of leg. The effects of concussion may be due to the immature age of the bone, shape of leg, method of shoeing, or overwork or speed when young.
Fig. 76. Splints (fine points of Fig. 77. “Dishing,” while on the
bone). trot, caused by irritation from
fine points of bone.
Remedy.—In slight cases stop fast work. Half dose physic. Foment and then blister. In severe cases peri- osteotomy. Pyro-puncture preferable to firing, as it does not blemish. Mercuric iodide ointment usually reduces deposit.
Is a spasmodic movement of the muscles of the limbs, usually the hind.
Incurable. Remove any spavin or other adverse condi tion. Temporary benefit results from a laxative, a course of bromides, and moderate work. Stretching and section of the tibial nerves are of no avail.
Other muscles are subject to spasmodic action, especi ally those of the spine.
Is a sprain or injury of the straight ligament of the hock, causing enlargement of the joint. It is apt to cause lameness in young horses, and, when of fresh origin, in horses of any age. But when of long standing, and merely the result of former disease, lameness rarely ensues. The form of hock the reverse of that liable to thorough-pin is the one predisposed to curb.
Fig. 78. Curb. Fig. 79. India-rubber bandage for
keeping wet cloths on Curb.
Remedy.—Foment ; lead acetate solution ; refrigerants. Counter-irritants ; mercuric or iodide ointment ; charges (plasters). High heeled shoe ; no toe pieces. Rest for several months, especially in young horses.
Are bruises of the secreting sole. They occur almost invariably on the inside heel of the fore feet, and are
Fig. 80. Old Corn. Fig. 81. New Corn. Fig. 82. Test for Corns.
caused by bad shoeing. They are not horn tumors, but
may become such. Sometimes they end in suppuration, partial necrosis, or bony spiculæ.
Remedy.—Remove shoe, pare to relieve pressure and insure exit of pus. Poultices soften sole and abate ten derness. Use light shoe with wide web. Shoe strong feet with tips.
Is inflammation of the feet. It is a dreadful disease, and may be caused by concussion as well as gastric de rangement (overeating). It is sometimes communicated to the feet by other diseases, in which case the whole body is affected, and the mane and tail as well as hoofs are sometimes shed.
Fig. 83. Founder.
Remedy.—Remove shoes. Thin horn. Bed box with several inches of chaff or cut straw. Foment or poultice, hot; cold bran poultice over entire foot sometimes bet ter than hot. Bleed from jugular or toe if severe, espe cially if caused by concussion. Repeated small doses of aconite, niter or other salines for fever. Half close physic and laxative injections if needed. Vapor bath often ser-
viceable. When inflammation is subdued, removal of ex- udate is hastened by cold applications ; later by blisters to coronet; occasionally by frog setons. Keep heels low, toes short. Stout, wide-webbed, long-barred shoes.
If convexity and weakness of the sole result (' Pumiced Foot’), use bar shoe with wide web. Lessen concussion by tar dressing and leather soles. Stimulate coronet. For doses, see pages 13 to 29.
Are forms of psoriasis (scaly itch), which see. They are situated on the flexures of the knee and hock, that is, mallenders appear on the back of the knee, sallenders on the front of the hock. At first they are only scurfy patches, but exhibiting considerable irritability. If neg lected, they degenerate into troublesome sores, with foul discharges.
Fig. 84. Mallenders. Fig. 85. Sallenders.
Remedy.—Soft soap and water, mild oils and bran poultices remove scales. Boro-glycerine or zinc oxide oint ment. Mercuric nitrate or iodine ointments for thicken ing and infiltration. Tar oils for chronic cases. Half a dose of physic ; salines; laxative diet. Iron tonics and arsenic for feeble. For doses, see pages 13 to 29,
Is a bony tumor or bony deposit around the pastern joint or coffin joint, or both. It is of two kinds—true and false. The latter, as a rule, is almost harmless. True
Fig. 86. High Ringbone.
ringbone is of two kinds—high and low. They are not the cause but the result of disease, especially inflamma tion of the bones and synovial membranes,
Is ossification of the lateral cartilages of the foot, usu ally the fore foot. Its causes are hereditary tendency and shoeing with high calkins.
Remedy.—Bar shoe; cold applications. Rest, blisters, firing, neurotomy (dissection and also section of a nerve).
Of the hind legs is common among draft horses, especi ally those that are worked on hilly roads. The heel is hightened, and the first remedy is high calkins (Fig. 87). If the horse is worked, the foot and leg assume the po sition represented in Fig. 88.
When a horse’s heel hightens, examine the back sinews. Feel them gently to discover if one place is tenderer, harder, or even slightly warmer than another. If this
Fig. 87. High calkins for Sprain of the Back Sinews.
Fig. 88. The result of work after the sprain.
fails, pinch them hard and run the fingers down them, marking the part that causes flinching. Healthy tendon will endure any amount of pressure ; diseased tendon is acutely sensitive. Cut the hair short and keep the part constantly damp with a linen bandage. Do not blister, bleed, seton, or fire. It requires from three to six months
to effect a cure. The only remedy for a badly contracted tendon is its division, but the operation weakens the part.
Are soft swellings of the fetlock joints, formerly sup posed to contain air. They really contain joint oil. They are sometimes as large as walnuts.
Fig. 89. Windgalls, before dissection. Fig. 90. After dissection.
Remedy.—Equable pressure by flannel or wash leather bandages. Bandages wetted with white lotion (¾ ounce of zinc sulphate, 1 ounce lead acetate, in quart of water). Rest, hand rubbing, blisters. Shoe so as to prevent con cussion.
Consists in the formation of a cheesy or mealy and therefore imperfect horn, which is incapable of maintain ing the union between the outer wall and laminae. When the defective horn shrinks, a crack is left for the recep tion of dirt. When not caused by inflammation or press ure of the shoe clip, it originates in some inherent cause, such as weak feet, &c. Lameness is not invaribly present.
Remedy.—Remove diseased parts ; promote growth of healthy horn by blisters and moisture. Bar shoes ; sole pressure; remove shoe clips.
Is a rarifying inflammation of the navicular bone, with death of the articular cartilages and surrounding structures. The tendon of the flexor pedis perforans muscle is subse quently inflamed and becomes adherent to the navicular bone. Concussion and rheumatic predisposition are be lieved to be the chief causes. (Dun.)
It is the most fertile cause of lameness, and is the bane of horse flesh. Strain or laceration of the tendon is never a primary condition. The disease begins as an inflamma-
Fig. 91 represents the phalangeal bones in their naturally oblique position. The upper part of the long pastern bone (a), to toe of os pedis (c), is a continuously oblique line. This obliquity of position enables the bone to act as a spring, modifying concussion and giving elasticity of step and freedom from jar. The coronary bone (b) rests entirely on the os pedis. The navicular bone (d), placed posteriorly, bears no weight, but gives increased leverage power to the tendon (e). This bone, like the sesa- moids, is a muscular appendage, and is not intended to support weight. Compare with Fig. 92 on opposite page.
tion of the cancellated structure of the navicular bone, or of the cartilage on its inferior surface. It is caused by the rheumatoid diathesis (taint), concussion, and change
in the relative position of the navicular bones, brought about by turned down, calkined, or thick heeled shoes. (Williams.)
Remedy.—Remove shoes and allow frog to come to the ground. Stand in cold water or apply cold wet swabs for several hours daily. Poultice at night. Physic and
Fig. 92 represents the bones after their naturally oblique position has been changed to an almost perpendicular position by thick heeled shoes. The lower end of the os coronæ (6) rests partly on the navicular (d), instead of wholly on the pedal bone (c); hence the disease.
cooling diet. After 2 or 3 weeks blister coronet lightly. If necessary seton frog for 3 or 4 weeks. If disease still persists, relegate to slow work ; shoes without heels or toe piece, or try neurotomy. Concussion is diminished by shoeing with leather and using shoes thick in quarters and thin at toe and heels.
Is caused either by pressure of the toe clip of the shoe, the clip having been hammered too tightly by the smith, or by the animal striking the toe against the ground. These tumors are analogous to corns in the human feet. and consist of an increased secretion of horn. They are peculiar to the hind feet, but they are not uncommon in the fore.
Fig. 93. Keratoma. a, horn tumor.
Remedy.—First try properly adjusted shoes. If this fails, isolate the diseased part by grooving, as in the pro cess of ‘ stripping,’ but leave the horn unstripped. Strip ping consists in the removal of the whole of the crust immediately over the diseased part, by cutting through it on either side from top to bottom, detaching it from the sole, and tearing it off, leaving the sensitive parts ex posed. This cruel treatment should never be resorted to
except where all other means have failed, for it is liable to be followed by evil results.
Is of two kinds—synovial and serous. The synovial ap pears as a tense, fluctuating swelling, on both sides of the point of the hock. It causes lameness and sometimes abscesses from caries of the bone. The serous (a watery abscess) is caused by pressure or violence, especially kick ing. It is unsightly when large. It sometimes causes lameness.
Fig. 94. Capped Hock. Fig. 95. Large specimen of same.
Remedy—Hot fomentations; then stimulate by can- tharides liniment or mercuric iodide ointment; soft soap rubbed in daily. Equable pressure sometimes applied by truss. Evacuate serous abscess ; inject cavity with iodine or astringents. In bursal form of capped hock use shoe raised at heel.
Treat Capped Knee and Capped Elbow the same as Capped Hock.
Consists of a fissure of greater or less extent in any part of the foot, but usually in the inner quarters of the fore and the toes of the hind feet. The crack opens and closes at every step, causing great pain and sometimes bleeding. Some horses seem to be predisposed to the disorder, but the cause is usually bad shoeing. Sandcrack never unites. A new crust must be cultivated.
Remedy.—Remove shoe, bottom crack, clear away dirt, and allow pus, if any, to escape. Foment, poultice, rest. Laxative when there is much pain and lameness. When these are abated, pare away upper part of cracked horn, cutting off connection with secreting coronary substance. Bar shoe, made to relieve cracked horn from pressure and concussion. When work is resumed, plug the crack with gutta-percha to keep out dirt. Hold split parts together by clasp, or by nails driven on the sides, with wire wrap ped tightly around them. ‘ Stripping ’ in extreme cases only.
Is a deformity caused by hard work. A horse reared on marshy land usually has weak feet, which are soon deformed if it is worked on stony roads or streets. The symptoms are bulging sole, weak crust, strong bars, and good frog. The hoof is marked by rings, the pastern be ing long and slanting. (Mayhew). Dun says the disorder is caused by laminitis (described on page 201).
Remedy.—Bar shoe of the dish kind, with wide web. Leather soles to lessen concussion. Stimulate coronet.
Is imperfect motor power or weakness of the back and loins, and is usually shown in backing or turning a horse rapidly. The forward movement may be natural. It is probably caused by disease of the spinal cord, but it may possibly sometimes be hereditary.
Remedy.—Treatment is of little avail. Light work without weight on back. Sling at night (for rest) if nec essary.
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