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Note.—As the medicines are alphabetically arranged on pages 13 to 29, they are not indexed ; nor are their classes—pages 30 to 37.
Abortion, cattle 290, sheep 314. Abscess of scrotum, horse 127. Abscess, serous, horse 66. Abuse, self, horse 127. Actinomycosis (known in the past as
cancerous tongue) cattle 228. Acute indigestion, horse 97. Acute pulmonary congestion, cattle
263. Albuminous urine, horse 116, ox 270. Amaurosis or glass eye, horse 139. Amputation of the penis, horse 126. Anæmia or lack of blood, cattle 234. Anæmic palpitation, cattle 255. Anthrax (carbuneular or Texas fever)
cattle 225, sheep 308, swine 322. Aphtha or thrush (of mouth) cattle
238, sheep 296. Apoplexy, cattle 266, swine 324.
Baldness, horse 168, cattle 280.
Barrenness, mare 64.
Bees, hornets, &c stings of, 192.
Belly hernia, horse 59.
Birth, a natural, calf 293.
Bitters, definition and use of (note) 39.
Black Leg or Black Quarter, cattle 227.
Black Water, cattle 270.
Bleeding from lungs, horse 90, cattle 263.
Bleeding from nostrils, horse 76, cat tle 258,
Bloody urine, horse 117, cattle 270. Blue Disease, cattle 255. Boils, how to treat, cattle 279. Bog Spavin, horse 197. Bone brittleness, horse 68, cattle 233. Bone Spavin, horse 196. Bots, horse 100, cattle 285, sheep 318. Broken Wind, horse 92. Bronchitis, horse 82, cattle 259. Bronchitis, chronic, horse 85, ox 260. Bronchitis, parasitic, cattle 260. Bronchocele or Goiter, horse 78, cat tle 234. Bruise of the sole, horse 188. Bruises, general, 188. Brushing or Interfering, horse 186. Burns and Scalds, 181.
Cancerous tumor of Vulva, mare
126. Canker in horse’s foot, 194. Capped Elbow, Hock, and Knee, 209. Carbuncle, cattle 280, sheep 297. Cataract of horse’s eye, 138. Cataract, green, horse 139. Catarrh, malignant, ox 231, sheep 300. Catarrh, simple, horse 70, cattle 258,
swine 332. Cattle Plague, 228. Cerebro-spinal fever, horse 48. Choking, horse 155, cattle 239. Colic, flatulent, horse 104, cattle 245. Colic, simple, cattle 245.
Colic, spasmodic, horse 102.
Colt Ill (strangles) 42.
Confined (improtrudable) penis, horse
126. Congestion of the kidneys, cattle 271. Congestion of the liver, horse 133. Congestive Pneumonia, horse 80. Constipation, horse 110, cattle 246,
swine 331. Consumption, horse 91, cattle 225. Contagious Pleuro-pneumonia, ox 223. Corns, horse 200. Cough, horse 75. Cow-pox, 229. Cracked Heel, horse 173. Crib-biting, horse 144. Curb, horse 200.
Delirium, cattle 264.
Dental instruments, 145 to 151; the
names of same, 152. Diabetes, horse 63, cattle, 234, 270. Diaphragm, spasm and rupture of,
horse 94. Diarrhea, horse 107, cattle 246, sheep
307, swine 332. Diphtheria, horse 49. cattle 230. Dislocations, horse 193. Distention of the rectum, cattle 251. Dizziness or staggers, horse 55. Dropsies, horse 64, 65, 66, 127, cattle
250, 280. Dysentery, horse 108, ox 247, sheep
307. Dyspepsia, horse 99. Dysuria (painful urination) cattle 272
Ears, sheep‘s, keep clean, 320. Ecthyma (skin disease) horse 162, ox
279, sheep 298. Eczema (skin disease) horse 160, ox
275, sheep 297,
Elephantiasis (thick skin) horse 164, ox 278.
Embolism (plugging a vessel) 257.
Engorgement and inflammation of the rumen or first stomach, ox 241.
Engorgement of the omasum or third stomach, ox 240.
Enlargement of kidneys, horse 120.
Enlargement of the lachrymal (eye) caruncle, horse 141.
Epilepsy or fits, ox 265, swine 325.
Equine (horse) syphilis, 121.
Esophagus or throat, stricture, rup ture, and opening of, horse 154 155.
Erysipelas, horse 45, cattle 276.
Erythema (skin disease) horse 157, ox 274, sheep 297.
Eyelid, laceration of, horse 180.
Eyes, injuries of, horse 180.
FardelBound, cattle 240.
False Quarter, horse 191.
Farcy Glanders, horse 67.
Fever, brain and spinal cord (cerebro-
spinal meningitis) horse 48, ox 269. Fever, acute or inflammatory, horse
39. Fever, carbuncular or Texas, ox 225,
sheep 308. Fever, catarrhal (influenza) horse 40. Fever, diphtheritic, horse 49. Fever, horse-pox, 49. Fever, low or typhoid, horse 40. Fever, milk (parturient apoplexy) cow
268. Fever, purple, horse 47, ox 235. Fever, pus (strangles or colt-ill) 42. Fever, scarlet, cattle, 235. Fever, simple or continued, horse 39. Fistula, horse 59. Fistula in the withers, horse 61. Fistula of the anus, horse 62,
Fistulous Parotid Duct, horse 62. Flatulent Colic, horse 104, cattle 245. Flatulent stomach (colic) horse 101. Flukes, rot of liver caused by, 305. Flyblow, horse 68. Foot and Mouth Disease, ox 224. Foot-Rot, sheep 303. Foreign bodies in the heart, ox 251. Fractures, horse 192, cattle 287. Frost Bite, horse 189. Foul in the Foot, cattle 286. Founder, horse 201, cattle 286.
Gad-Flies, horse 100, cattle 286.
Garget, cattle 289.
Glanders-Farcy, horse 67.
Glass-Eye, horse 139.
Goiter, horse 78, cattle 234.
Gid (sturdy, turnsick, &c.) sheep, 309.
Grass and Stomach Staggers, horse
97, cattle 240. Grease (skin disease) horse 166. Green Cataract, horse 139. Greasiness of the skin, horse 176.
Heart, palpitation of, horse 130.
Heart, various disorders of, horse 130.
Hernia (rupture) horse 58, 59, ox 252.
Herpes (skin disease) horse 161, cat tle 276.
Horn Tumor of horse’s foot, 208.
Horse-Pox, 49.
Hidebound, horse 173.
Hoven (swelling) ox 238, sheep 317.
Hoose or Husk (worms in throat and bronchial tubes of sheep) 310.
Hydrothorax (water in chest) horse 88.
Hysteria, mare 126.
Imperforate Anus, cattle 251. Indigestion, acute, horse 97.
Indigestion. chronic (dyspepsia) horse
99, cattle 245. Inflamed lymphatics, horse 186. Inflamed vein, horse 183. Inflammation of the bladder, horse
119, cattle 273. Inflammation of the bowels, horse
105, cattle 248. Inflammation of the brain, horse 48,
cattle 264. Inflammation of the heart, cattle 256,
257 Inflammation of the kidneys, horse
115, cattle 271. Inflammation of the liver, horse 132,
cattle 253. Inflammation of the lungs (pneumo nia) horse 79, ox 261, swine 333. Inflammation of the mouth, horse 153. Inflammation of the penis, horse 123. Inflammation of the pericardium,
horse 129, cattle 255. Inflammation of the peritoneum, cat tle 249. Inflammation of the stomach, horse
96. Inflammation of the testicles, horse
126. Inflammation of the tongue, horse 153. Inflammation of the urethra, horse
123. Inflammation of the vagina, mare 124. Inflammation of the womb, mare 125. Inflammatory pneumonia, horse 80. Inflation (under skin) cattle 280, Influenza (catarrhal lever or pink eye)
horse 40. Inguinal (groin) and scrotal hernia or
rupture, horse 58. Injured eyes, horse 180. Injuries of mouth, tongue, jaws, &c.
horse 181,
Interfering or Brushing, horse 186.
Intestinal and stomach concretions (stones) horse 111.
Intussusception or Introsusception, horse 113, cattle 252.
Inversion and protrusion of the blad der, horse 120, cattle 273.
cattle 253. Joint-Ill, sheep, 312.
Kidneys, congestion of, cattle 271. Kidneys, cysts in, horse 120. Kidneys, enlargement of, horse 120. Kidneys, inflammation of, horse 115, cattle 271.
Lacerated Knee, horse 184.
Lambing or Milk Fever, sheep, 313.
Lampas, horse 153.
Lice, horse 168, cattle 284.
Lichen and Prurigo (skin diseases) horse 159, cattle 278.
Lip, tumor of, horse 154.
Liver, concretions, congestion, rup ture, and hydatid tumors of, horse 133 ; inflammation of, horse 132, cattle 253.
Lock Jaw, horse 53, with note ; cat tle 234, sheep 318.
Louping-Ill or Trembling, sheep 314.
Lymphangitis (weed or swelled legs) horse 56.
Malignant Catarrh, ox 231, sheep
300. Mallenders and Sallenders, horse 202. Mange, horse 168, cattle 281, sheep
301, swine 334. ‘ Mark,’ the, horse 215, 221. Measles, sheep 316, swine 328.
Medicines, how to measure them in ordinary utensils (note) 13.
Megrims (vertigo, dizziness, &c.) horse 55, cattle 265.
Milk Fever, cattle 268, sheep 313.
Moon-Blindness, horse 136.
Muir-Ill, cattle 270.
Nævus (skin spots of various kinds, often having an erectile character ; they may be single or multiple, are more or less pulsating, have a deep purple color, an irregular, flattened appearance, and resemble warts ; remedy—absorption, cauterization, adhesive inflammation, excision, or ligature) cattle 280.
Nasal Gleet, horse 73.
Nasal Polypus, horse 77.
Navel Hernia, horse 59.
Navel Ill or Navel Pocking, sheep 312.
Nettle-Rash or Surfeit, horse 158, ox 277.
Non-secretion of Milk, ewe 320.
Ophthalmia or Moon-Blindness, horse
136, sheep 319. Open Knee and other joints, horse
184. Opening the throat or esophagus,
horse 155. Opening the windpipe, horse 44. Osteoporosis (hardening) horse 68. Ovaries, diseases of, mare 127. Overreach and Tread, horse 189. Ozena or Nasal Gleet, horse 73.
130. Paralysis (paresis, palsy) horse 51, ox
266, swine 333.
Parrot-Mouth, horse 143. Pemphigus or watery bladders, cattle
279. Penis, amputation of, horse 126. Piles, horse 113, cattle 251, swine
330. Pink-Eye (influenza) horse 40. Pleurisy, horse 86, cattle 262. Pleuro-pneumonia, contagious, cattle
223. Pneumonia, horse 79, cattle 261. Pneumonia, chronic, horse 82. Pneumonia, inflammatory, horse 80. Poisons, a few, with antidotes, cattle
236. Poll-Evil, horse 60. Polypus, nasal, horse 77. Polypus of stomach, horse 101. Pricked Foot, horse 188. Protruded Penis, horse 126. Protrusion of the Anus or Rectum,
horse 114, cattle 251, swine 330. Prurigo and Lichen (skin diseases)
horse 159, cattle 278. Pruritus, horse 165. Psoriasis (scaly inflammation of skin)
horse 163. Pumice Foot, horse 210.
Quinsy (inflammation of the throat
or adjacent parts) swine 333. Quittor, horse 190.
Rabies or Hydrophobia, horse 50,
sheep 318. Red Water, cattle 270, sheep 319. Retention of urine, horse 120, cattle
272. Rheumatism, horse 63, cattle 232,
swine 333. Rickets (soft or pliable bone) horse
69, cattle 233.
Ringbone, horse 203.
Ringworm or Tetter, horse 171, cattle
283. Ringworm, yellow or honeycomb,
horse 171. Roaring, horse 74. Rot or Fluke Disease, sheep 305. Rupture, horse 58, cattle 252, 255. Ruptured tendons and ligaments, horse
187. Rupture of blood vessels, Cattle 255. Rupture of diaphragm, horse 94. Rupture of esophagus or throat, horse
155. Rupture of stomach, horse 101.
Saddle Galls, horse 182.
Saddle Scald, horse 172.
Salivary Calculi (stones) horse 154.
Sallenders and Mallenders, horse 202.
Sandcrack, horse 209.
Scab or Scabies (mange) horse 168, cattle 281, sheep 301, swine 334.
Scrofula, horse 91, cattle 225.
Scarlet Fever, horse 46, cattle 235.
Scrotal and Inguinal (groin) hernia or rupture, horse 58, swine 332.
Scurf (bran-like scales, with slight redness of skin, but without dis charge ; chronic, non-contagious, with some itching ; good habitat for vermin) cattle 280.
Seedy Toe, horse 205.
Self-Abuse in stallion, 127.
Serous Abscess, horse 66.
Sheep-pox, 299.
Sheep Tick, the, 315.
Shivering or Jinkback, horse 210.
Sidebone, horse 204.
Sitfasts, horse 182.
Softening of spinal cord, cattle 269.
Sore and obstructed teats, cows 290,
Sore lips in calves, lambs, goats, and
pigs, 276. Soreness about anus, horse 174. Sore Throat or Laryngitis, horse 72,
cattle 258. Spasm of the diaphragm, horse 94. Spasmodic Colic, horse 102. Spasms and Convulsions, horse 51. Speedy-Cut, horse, 186. Spleen, diseases of, horse 135. Splint (bony tumor or exostosis) horse
198. Sprain of muscles, tendons, ligaments,
horse 187. Sprain of the back sinews of the hind
legs, horse 204. Staggers, stomach and grass, horse
97, cattle 240. Staggers (dizziness or vertigo) horse
55. Stitches or sutures for wounds, horse
178. Stomach and Intestinal Concretions
(stones) horse 111. Stomach Staggers, horse 97, cattle
264. Stomachs of the ox, the four, 242. Stones urinary, horse 118, cattle 273. Stones or Calculous Concretions, horse
111, cattle 273. Strain of loins muscles, horse 186. Strangles (colt ill or pus fever) horse
42. Strangury (passage of urine drop by
drop) 272. Stricture of the esophagus or throat,
horse 154. Stringhalt, horse 199, cattle 269. Sturdy (gid, turnsick, turnside) sheep
309. Suppression and Retention of urine,
horse 120, cattle 212.
Surfeit or NettleRash (skin disease)
horse 158, cattle 277. Sutures (stitches) for wounds, horse
178. Swelled legs (weed or lymphangitis)
horse 56. Swine Measles, cause of and danger
from, 328, 329. Swine Plague (anthrax, hog cholera,
red soldier, blue sickness, measles,
&c.) 322. Syphilis, equine, 121.
Teeth, disorders of, horse 142, cattle
288. Tendons, wounded, horse 185. Tetanus or Lock-Jaw, horse 53, with
note; cattle 234, sheep 318. Tetter or Ringworm, horse 171, cattle
283. Texas Fever (anthrax, carbuncular
fever, &c.) cattle 225. Thoroughpin of the Hock, horse 197. Thorough-pin of the Knee, horse 198. Thrush (of foot) horse 196. Thrush or Aphtha (of mouth) cattle
238, sheep 296. Torpid liver, draft for, cattle 254. Tracheotomy or opening the wind pipe, horse 44. Tread and Overreach, horse 189. Trichina Spiralis or Pork Worms,
326. Tuberculosis or Consumption, horse
91, cattle 225. Tumor and Fungus of the Orbit, horse
141. Tumor of the Elbow, horse 182. Tumor of the Face, horse 154. Tumor of the Lip, horse 154. Tumor of the Thyroid Gland, horse
Turnsick, Turnside, Goggles, Gid, &c.
sheep 309. Twins, cow 293. Twisted or strangled bowels, horse
112, cattle 252.
Urinary Stones, horse 118, cattle 273.
Vein, inflamed, horse 183. Venomous bites and stings, 192. Vertigo or Dizziness, horse 55.
Warble or Bot-Fly, cattle 285. Warbles or Grubs, horse 183.
Warbles in ox, 183. Warts, horse 174, cattle 280. Water on the Brain, cattle 267. Watery Eyes, horse 140 Weed or swelled legs, horse 56. Weed, chronic, horse 164. Windgalls, horse 205. Worm in the Eye, horse 140. Worms, horse 111, cattle 287, sheep
310, 311, swine 326-329. Wounded Tendons, horse 185. Wounds, horse 177, cattle 287.
Yellows or Jaundice, horse 133, cattle 253.
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