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Also called lung disease, pulmonary murrain, zymotic or epizootic pleuro-pneumonia, &c, is an incurable febrile disease. Gresswell says it is believed to be generated by and due to a definite micrococcus (mite). It may be acute, subacute, or chronic.
Symptoms.—Elevation of temperature or a slight cough is usually the first sign. The temperature will range from 100 to 107°. Shiverings ; hair stands wrong way ; slight loss of appetite ; breathing difficult and laborious ; nos trils dilated ; flanks heave ; mouth hot ; muzzle dry ; gums pale, lilac color ; walls of chest, rib spaces, and back from withers to loins more or less sensitive to pressure ; appe tite worse ; milk diminishes ; emaciation begins ; bowels irregular ; watery or sticky discharge from nostrils ; ab normal sounds in bronchial tubesand mucous rattle over lungs ; cough worse ; back arched and head and neck ex tended when coughing.
In what is called the second stage, these symptoms are intensified and others appear. Death sometimes occurs in the first stage.
Remedy.—Slaughter and general and thorough disin fection of premises. Vaccination and inoculation should be left to the veterinarian.
‘ Sporadic Pleuro-Pneumonia ' is described by Gresswell. He says it is “ amenable to judicious treatment.”
Also called eczema contagiosa, eczema epizootica, ‘ epi zootic aphtha, aphthous fever, murrain, epidemic, &c, is a highly contagious and infectious febrile disease, associ ated with a vesicular eruption in the mouth, between the pedal digits, and around the coronets. In some cases the mouth only is affected ; in others the feet only. In milk cows the mammary glands and lactiferous ducts are sometimes affected. When this is the case, the milk is unfit for use for either man or beast, for it may cause eruptions in the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and alimentary canal. Sheep, goats, swine, dogs, poultry, and even hu man beings are liable to the disease.
Dr. Klein says the disease is due to micrococci (mites). Mild cases require little treatment, as the disease runs a definite course and ends in recovery in about a week.
Remedy.—Salicylate sodium, 3 drams, spirit nitrous ether, 1 fluid oz., water, 7 oz., twice daily.
Sulphite sodium, 3 drams, water 8 oz., 2 or 3 times daily.
Sulphite sodium, 3 drams, aniseeds, 1 oz., fenugreek,
1 oz., in food 3 times daily, when other medicines are not given.
Gargles : 1. Boric acid, 1 part, glycerine, 5 fluid parts, water, 11 parts, several times daily. 2. Acid solution ni trate mercury, 4 drops, water, 1 oz., several times daily. 3. Permanganate potassium, 3 to 4 grains, water, 1 oz.,
2 or 3 times daily Ointments for feet and teats : 1. Boric acid, 1 part,
vaselin, 3 parts, lard, 3 parts. 2. Carbolic acid, 1 part, lard or vaselin, 30 parts. 3. Iodoform, 20 grains, oil eucalyptus, 20 drops, carbolic acid, 20 drops, lard or vas- elin, l½ oz. Latter, especially good for sores and ulcers.
Which is so prevalent among cattle, is doubtless caused by a bacillus (atmospheric mite). It may be found, says Gresswell, that bovine tuberculosis can be stamped out as cattle plague, foot and mouth disease, sheep scab, pleuro- pneumonia, and rabies can. There are indications that protective inoculation with tubercular matter obtained from fowl which have died of the disease will throw light on a method of prevention.
SymDtoms.—In well developed cases the ox is emaci ated ; sluggish movements ; dull look ; eyes sunken ; skin dry and adheres to ribs ; hair lacks healthy luster and is often damp ; slight exertion causes sweating, laborious breathing, and great distress ; great weakness, sometimes even lowering the head to the ground for relief ; mem branes of mouth and other orifices pale yellow ; appetite capricious and less than in health ; dejections (excrements) bad ; stomach may be more or less distended with gas ; constipation and diarrhea may alternate ; coughs up a viscid, usually inodorous, but sometimes offensive matter, which may contain yellowish cheesy flakes, &c.
Remedy.—Well developed cases are incurable. In mild attacks fatten and slaughter. In milk cows, stop milk ing ; give fattening food, such as oil cake and good hay ; avoid grasses and roots. If there are any ulcerating scrof ulous glands, dress with carbolic acid and chalk or some other antiseptic.
Also called Texas fever, splenic fever, trembles, char- bon, blain, &c, is supposed to be the disease referred to in Exodus, chapter ix, as the “ boil which came forth as blains upon man and beast throughout all Egypt.” (Rob ertson.)
The disease is contagious, very rapid in its course, and is caused by the vegetable organism bacillus anthracis. It is both enzootic and epizootic, occurring whenever and wherever conditions favor the growth of the germs, one of which is rainy weather followed by heat.
Fig. 97. Gloss-Anthrax or Blain. early stage.
Symptoms.—Stops feeding and chewing cud suddenly ; shivers; moves stiffly and unsteadily; limbs rigid ; soon falls and is unable to move; may, however, stand for a while, back curved. The spleen is usually especially af fected, but sometimes it is the bowels; severe convulsions are not uncommon ; tenacious mucus flows from mouth ; tongue becomes of a darker hue ; belly distended; passes liquid and blood-stained excreta and sometimes a large quantity of dark blood; blood sometimes flows from nos trils; white of eyes become dark red ; eyes sink in orbit; tears flow over face, &c.
Death may follow in a few minutes, hours, or a day. Recovery is rare.
Remedy.—Sulphite sodium, 3 drams, salicylate sodium, 3 drams, tincture aconite (B. P.), 40 drops, water a suf ficient quantity, every 4 hours.
Liquified carbolic acid, 30 drops, gentian, 2 oz., ani seed, 2 oz., in pint of water every 4 hours.
Mix 12 oz. (ounces) each of carbolic acid and sodium bicarbonate with 4 fluid oz. of glycerine; give 2 table- spoonfuls of the mixture in a quart of water 3 times daily. The latter mixture is much used in America.
Kill all hopelessly sick cattle and bury the carcasses 6 feet deep, spreading quick lime over them. Disinfect premises and everything used in treating the sick. Sep arate sick from well.
Also called symptomatic anthrax, quarter ill, inflamma tory fever, carbuncular erysipelas, emphysema infectuo- sum, speed, Chabert's disease, &c, is a very fatal and in fectious disease. It is caused by a rod-like germ very similar-to the 'bacillus anthracis.'
The disease is peculiar to calves and cattle under two years of age. Setoning the dewlap (fold of skin on throat), first dressing the seton with black oil, is said to be an almost certain preventive. Recovery from this dis ease is rare. Death usually occurs in two or three days from blood poisoning.
Fig. 98. Three-jointed, sharp Seton Needle.
Symptoms.—Dull; listless; lame in one or two limbs, either hind or fore ; appetite fails; stops chewing cud; thirst; head protruded; white of eye bloodshot; mouth hot; moans ; if forced to move, staggers and drops down; constipated ; then feces become soft and tinged with blood ; skin dry and rough; harsh and staring coat; urine, at
first high colored, becomes deeply blood stained ; loins, back, ribs tender; painful swellings at fetlock, knee joint, hock joint, stifle, elbow, or shoulder, which may soon mortify, &c
Remedy.—Gentle laxative, then sulphite sodium, 1 dram, salicylate sodium, 1 dram, water a sufficient quan tity, every 6 hours.
Incise and dress tumors, if large, with carbolic acid, 1 part, water, 25. Good hay, mashes, linseed, or oatmeal gruel. Drain wet pastures.
Is a contagious febrile disease, and is probably caused by a micrococcus. It is peculiar to Asia.
Known in the past as cancerous, scrofulous, or schirrous tongue, in Germany as wooden tongue and throat boil, is characterized by tumors of various size and shape on the tongue, jaw, tooth sockets, bones, and soft tissues of the head, from which parts it may spread. It is described as " a new and infectious disease of animals and man.” In cattle it is due to a fungus called ‘ actinomyces ' (ray fungus). Moldy straw, barley, or chaff, especially if the mouth be sore or lacerated, is liable to cause the disease. Moldy foods usually contain vegetable parasites. As in foot and mouth disease, an ox will slaver and champ and chew its hay, but will usually eject it. But it will eat mashes and linseed gruel.
Remedy.—Incise the tumors and then apply the fol lowing mixture : Iodine, 1 part, carbolic acid, 4 fluid parts, glycerine, 4 fluid parts. Tincture of iodine, plain or di luted with alcohol (methylated or not), will answer.
Gargle : Acid solution nitrate mercury, 8 drops, water, 1 oz. Will do for wash also after incision of tumors.
Tonics if necessary. Soft, nutritious food.
(See page 50.)
Affects the udder and teats of cows chiefly. The rash consists of small, pale red, hard pustules, varying in size from a pea to a horse-bean. The pustules are converted into vesicles containing a viscid, yellow fluid. These gradually increase in size, until in about eight and a half days they are about five-eighths of an inch in diameter. In the center they have a light blue tint, but toward the margin they are reddish blue or yellow. Their contents now become purulent. The center is usually depressed, and a crust begins to form there, gradually extending to the periphery. The border is hard, swollen, and painful and a red areola forms, together with much thickening under the skin.
About the fourteenth day a scab, which is thick, dark, adherent, and shining, is formed, and about the fifteenth day it becomes detatched, having a depressed scar, which is at first bluish red, but gradually turns pale, and per sists for a long time.
The febrile symptoms are very slight and usually un important. The infection is not dangerous. A partial loss of appetite, an abstention from chewing the cud, trifling constipation, diminution, and deterioration of the milk are observable. The udder is swollen, especially near the teats, and milking causes pain. There may be more than one eruption of pustules.
The disease usually lasts about seventeen and a half days, but may be protracted to about five weeks, during which time the milk is unfit for use.
Remedy.—Give a laxative and draw off milk with a siphon. Draft: Solution acetate ammonium, 4 fluid oz., tincture aconite (V. P.), 40 drops, water a sufficient quan tity, 3 times daily.
Or a disease resembling it, sometimes affects cattle.
Symptoms.—Throat sore and swollen; coughing spells; flow of saliva from mouth and mucus from nostrils; ac celerated breathing, causing a crowing sound during in spiration; may be spasms of larynx, especially if animal is excited; great debility finally supervenes; pulse, at first quick, grows weaker and weaker as the disease progresses; cough worse; about the third day lymph-casts of parts of the air tubes, or flakes of lymph at least, are ejected.
Fig. 99. Steaming apparatus for Diphtheria, Catarrh, Bronchitis, &c. See Fig. 100 an equally good and simpler method.
Remedy.—Careful nursing. Liquid food. Steam air passages with an antiseptic inhalation, such as about a teaspoonful of oil of eucalyptus to about a gallon of boil ing water; a free supply of water containing about a dram of chlorate of potassium to half bucket water. Good air. Salicylic acid, 1 dram, is useful; also same quantity sulphite sodium.
Puncture throat if there is danger of suffocation. Ton ics if necessary.
A very fatal disease, causing death in from three to seven days, is said to be non-contagious and to result from inflammation induced by exposure to cold. (See 'Catarrh,' the simple form, page, 70.)
Symptoms.—Shivering fits; dull look; membranes bluish red; eyes close; eyelids swell; tears flow over cheeks; painful, frequent cough ; feeble pulse; constipa tion followed by diarrhea; profuse discharges from nos trils and mouth ; sometimes the horns drop off.
Remedy.—Remove to warm sheds. Tincture perchlo- ride of iron, 1 fluid oz., salicine, 1 dram, simple sirup, 4 fluid oz., water a sufficient quantity, 3 times daily.
Gargle : Acid solution nitrate mercury, 6 drops, water, 1 oz.; or, permanganate potassium, 3 to 4 grains, water, 1 oz.
Fig. 100. Steam-bag for Catarrh.
Purge if necessary. Inhale steam from boiling water, in which put a small portion of oil of eucalyptus or car bolic acid, as above for diphtheria. Tonics and good food during convalescence,
Like tetanus (lock-jaw), is practically the same in the ox as in the horse. (See page 63.)
Remedy.—Tincture aconite (V. P.), 30 drops, salicyl- ate sodium, 4 drams, bicarbonate potassium, 1 oz., water in proportion, every 6 hours. Or, tincture colchicum, ½
Fig. 101. Knee joint after Chronic Rheumatism.
oz., tincture aconite (V. P.), 30 drops, bicarbonate pot assium, 1 oz., water in proportion, every 6 hours.
Liniment: Alcohol, 1 pint, ammonia, ½ oz., oil orga- num, ½ oz., oil sassafras, ½ oz., tincture capsicum, ½ oz., tincture opium, ½ oz., spirit turpentine, ½ oz., camphor, ¼ oz.
When not hereditary, is caused by a lack of health- giving food. It is peculiar to young animals. Give 1½ to 3 drams phosphate of lime once a day, or cod liver oil, 4 oz., lime water, 2 oz., once a day. Nutritious diet and pure air. (See page 69.)
Fig. 102. Rickets in humerus of dog.
Is rare except in districts where the water and soil are lacking in lime salts and phosphates. The general health is affected and fractures are common.
Remedy.—Change pasture and water and feed on nu tritious, phosphatic foods. The salts of iron are valuable tonics. Sulphate or carbonate of iron is useful,, but the
citrate of iron and ammonium, in 2-dram doses, twice a day, is even better. Vegetable tonics and the phosphate of calcium are valuable. Soft water seems to be bad for cows. (See ‘ Osteoporosis,' page 68.
ANÆMIA (Lack of Blood),
Is caused by underfeeding or unhealthy food. Prevent by good feeding, and if medicine is necessary, give any of the following :
Powdered gentian, 1½ oz., powdered ginger, ½ oz., gran ulated sulphate of iron, 2 drams, powdered nux vomica, 40 grains, powdered capsicum, ½ dram, in a pint of water, gruel, or ale, twice daily.
Powdered gentian, 1 oz., powdered ginger, ½ oz., car bonate ammonium, ½ oz., carbonate iron, 2 drams, in a pint of warm water, gruel, or ale, twice daily.
Solution hydrochlorate strychnine, 2 drams, tincture cap sicum, 4 drams, tincture perchloride iron, 1 oz., in pint of warm water or gruel, once daily.
Though rare, is practically the same in the ox as in the horse. (See page 63.) The remedies should be the same as for anæmia (above), giving a laxative first if nec essary.
Is not as common in the ox as in the horse. If the jaws are not too firmly locked, give bromide potassium, 4 drams, anise fruit, 4 drams, in warm water or gruel, thrice daily. (See page 53.)
Is enlargement of the thyroid gland, and is caused by water obtained from magnesian limestone. It may be he reditary. Change water, or use rain water or water acted on by carbonate of sodium. It is more common in sheep than cattle. (See page 78.)
Is a specific, contagious, and infectious disease, com municable perhaps even to man by means of the milk and inoculation. It is peculiar to recently calved cows. The disease lasts from five weeks to even three months. It is caused by a micrococcus.
Symptoms.—Short fever ; quick breathing ; hacking cough ; sore throat in severe cases ; discharges from nos trils and eyes ; eruption on skin around eyes ; also hind quarters ; vesicles on teats and udder ; teats double in size ; vesicles, at first the size of a pea, enlarge to half- inch ulcers, with reddish brown scabs ; scabs may remain 25 days or longer ; watery fluid exudes from under scab ; ulcers leave a whitish, flat, indistinct scar, &c.
Remedy.—Solution acetate ammonium, 4 fluid ounces ; spirit nitrous ether, 1 fluid oz., bicarbonate potassium, ½J oz., water, 3½ oz., 3 times a day. Draw off milk with siphon. Feed calf by hand.
Is a specific, eruptive blood fever, of an intermittent type, in which the skin, mucous membranes, connective tissue of the lungs and kidneys and coats of the intesti nal walls are mainly affected. It seems to result from exposure or foul air, and often follows a disease like catarrhal fever. It runs its course in about a week, and, like anthrax, which it resembles, is often fatal. It is peculiar to calves rather than adults. (See page 47.)
Symptoms.—Pain and slight swellings in one or more limbs ; may be purple or dark red spots in nostrils and pimples on skin ; blood seems to be thinner than usual ; it or red serum, or both, exudes, especially on the mucous and serous membranes ; temperature changeable, but may suddenly reach 106° F, or more ; hot and rather circum scribed swellings appear on various parts of the body.
from which, and also from, the nostrils, a reddish fluid flows ; these swellings interfere somewhat with breathing and swallowing ; heart weak and fluttering ; pulse small and double.
Remedy.—Nutritious, digestible food. Stimulants.
Drafts: 1. Quinetum (mixed alkaloids from cinchona bark), 1 dram, tincture perchloride iron, 1 fluid oz., oil turpentine, ½ fluid oz., water in proportion, twice daily. 2. Powdered gentian, 1 oz., powdered ginger, ½ oz., car bonate ammonium, ½ oz., carbonate iron, 2 drams, in pint warm water, gruel, or ale, twice daily.
Among the poisonous plants and minerals common to cattle are the following :
Meadow Saffron or Autumn Crocus. Give mucilage of linseed with 2 ounces spirit ammonia and 4 ounces brandy every 4 hours.
Aconite. Give 2 ounces spirit ammonia with 4 ounces of brandy in gruel every 2 hours, repeated as often as necessary.
Yew. Give 4 ounces spirit of ammonia with 8 ounces brandy in quart of mucilage linseed, repeated in 1 hour, and at intervals of 2, 3, or 4 hours if necessary. Purge with 8 to 10 drams of aloes, followed by a quart of lin seed oil after the first draft. Mustard to belly. Open paunch and remove foliage if necessary.
Woody Nightshade. Treat as for yew. It is often fatal.
Ergot is caused by the growth of a fungoid parasite which infests most of the grasses and cereals. It is most common in damp situations. Cut the grass when in full bloom, and thus prevent the formation of ergot. Tannin and stimulants are antidotes for ergot.
Arsenic. Copious quantities of linseed mucilage and gruel, Hydrated peroxide of iron, 1 ounce every hour
for 3 or 4 hours ; then every 3 hours for a day or so. Stimulate with spirit of ammonia and brandy and give tincture of opium in 2-ounce doses for pain if it is nec essary.
Lead. Epsom salt, 10 ounces, Glauber's salt, 10 ounces, 4 drams diluted sulphuric acid, 20 drops croton oil, in gruel. Repeat in 8 or 10 hours, giving half the quantity only. After the first draft, mucilage of linseed or gruel should be given in large quantities every hour ; and at each alternate hour 4 drams of diluted sulphuric acid may be added.
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