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The stomach and digestive organs of swine and dogs, says Dun, much resemble those of man and are acted on in nearly the same way by most drugs. The best purge for swine is three or four ounces of Epsom salt, or a like quantity of linseed or castor oil, given in a shallow spoon or bottle. An assistant should hold the animal firmly by the ears. From two to five drams of aloes is also a good purge, but it takes from twelve to fifteen hours to operate. Also one to three drams of jalap, but large doses may cause nausea or even vomiting. Five to ten drops of croton oil is a prompt and effectual drastic purge, but requires, as in most other patients, to be used with much caution.
To be healthy, swine (in herds) should be kept in large fields or inclosures, and be provided with grass, pure, running water, and shade, especially in summer. Corn and other fattening foods are good for winter. Careful feeding, breeding, and management are very important factors in swine rearing, more important perhaps than all the medicines combined. Still simple disorders may be successfully treated.
Unlike cattle and sheep, the pig has but one stomach, which is nearly as simple in structure as that of the horse. Its teeth are adapted to the mastication of many kinds of food. The tushes are formidable weapons.
Also known as hog cholera, red soldier, blue sickness, measles, erysipelas, intestinal fever, typhoid fever, &c., is a highly contagious and infective disease. It has a period of incubation, after inoculation, of about five days, when the temperature is 104 or 106°, succeeded by signs of general ill health and usually a rash on the skin. It is epizootic, and is the most fatal swine disease. Pigs dif-
 Fig. 157. Part of eæcum (blind gut). a, ilio-cæcal opening. b, b, b, ulcers in various stages.
fer in their susceptibility to it. It appears to be caused by contagion or infection only, no amount of misman agement, filth, lack of drainage, or decomposing food being sufficient to induce it. (Williams.)
Symptoms.—Loss of appetite ; general prostration; small and frequent pulse ; hanging ears ; sullen appear ance ; painful and haggard expression ; watery eyes, the conjunctive membranes being red and spotted ; dirty se cretion about the eyelids, usually preceded by a red blush and red spots on the ears, the abdomen, and internal as pects of the extremities. The reddened spots are at first hot and painful to the touch, but become cold, humid, and insensible even to the pricking of a pin. As the disease advances trembling and convulsions are manifest ed ; grinds the teeth ; flexor muscles of limbs contract ; stands on toes. These symptoms are succeeded by paral ysis of the posterior extremities, or of the whole body, involuntary defacation (bowel evacuation), and high col ored and even bloody urine. The bowels are at first gen erally torpid, but the feces may be soft and mixed with very black, fetid blood and thick, tenacious mucus. Di arrhea, however, often sets in ; the evacuations are then profuse and exhaustive ; the breathing becomes catching and convulsive ; a painful cough is present ; the convul sions increase in violence and may continue to do so till the end ; but sometimes the animal becomes comatose and remains so till the end.
In some cases the first observable symptoms remain stationary from 24 to 48 hours ; then the surface of the body becomes burning hot and very sensitive to the touch, notably at the sides and abdominal walls. If touched, the animal cries with pain. To these signs are added trembling, convulsions, grinding of the teeth, and tetanic (tetanus or lockjaw-like) contraction of the muscles, suc ceeded by rapid diminution of temperature. The mem branes of the eyes become brown, the eyes themselves bleared ; tongue dirty, thick, bluish ; the animal, ex tended on its litter, is incapable of any regulated move ment, and dies in from 24 to 48 hours.
These symptoms are liable to various modifications, de-
pending on the intensity of the fever and the locality of the poison. In some cases the virus seems to expend itself on the serous membranes, causing either inflamma tion of the peritoneum or pleurisy ; sometimes on the mucous membranes, as shown by bronchitis or broncho- pneumonic congestion and hemorrhage, and enteric (in testinal) congestion and ulceration ; sometimes even to perforation or rupture of the bowel.
In many cases the animal is amaurotic ; wanders to and fro ; falls, rolls, kicks. Now and then it will rise from its bed and give a piercing cry, the whole body be ing involuntarily convulsed. (Williams.)
Dr. H. J. Ditmers says swine plague “is not a single or separate disease, but rather a group of several kindred diseases, similar to each other in regard to causes, mor bid process, contagiousness, and final termination, but differing very much as to symptoms, seat of morbid pro cess, course, and duration.”
Swine plague is classed among the incurable diseases.
Occurs usually in ‘fat hogs. Several forms have been described, but all are chiefly caused perhaps by too much blood and confinement—lack of exercise. The specific blood poison of anthrax may not be present. The dis eases of pigs to which the term apoplexy is applied, how ever, partake more of the nature of anthrax than other wise, especielly in young and growing animals.
Symptoms.—Restlessness ; eyes bloodshot; appetite variable; constipation; dung and urine scanty. As the animal eats, it suddenly stops, reels, and falls down dead, a great quantity of foam issuing from the mouth.
Remedy.—As apoplexy is a most fatal complaint, prompt preventive measures should be instituted on its first appearance. Place healthy swine on a low diet; exercise; cleanliness. Give Epsom salt, 2 to 4 oz., cal-
omel, 3 to 10 grains, ginger, 2 to 3 drams, with molasses and linseed mucilage in proportion—immediately. Give same dose to sick hog, that is, if it does not die too soon. Clysters for constipation. When down and breathing heavily, bleed from the veins of the inner surface of the ears. The palate veins and also those of the fore limbs may be opened if necessary.
Prevails more among swine than among either cattle or sheep. Its exact nature is not understood further than that it depends on some peculiar morbid condition of the nervous system, probably degeneration of tissue, arising from defective nutrition ; also on remote causes, such as abscesses, tumors, &c., in the spleen, brain, and other organs ; worms in the stomach or intestines, and other conditions producing reflex action. It is peculiar to young animals generally, but it occurs in the old also as a result of blood diseases, blood poisoning, &c. It is rarely curable.
Symptoms.—Severe convulsions, with coma (sleepiness) and foaming at the mouth ; staggers ; eyes protrude and
 Fig. 158. Epilepsy.
stare ; violent champing of teeth ; drops on haunches ; fore limbs rigid ; head elevated, turned \from side to side rapidly and now and then tossed up ; muscles convulsed ; urine and feces pass involuntarily ; tongue bitten ; falls, struggles violently, and soon becomes unconscious ; heart
beats strong ; membranes increased in color. A long sleep may follow, or the animal may soon regain con sciousness, but only to be speedily reattacked ; dies.
Remedy.—If caused by nervous disorder, give bella donna or atrophine. If from worms, give a vermifuge. Proper food and housing ; exercise. At the time of attack little can be done. Dashing cold water over the head and face is the most proper course, deferring other mea sures till the seizure has passed. Strychnine, quassia, gentian or other tonic for lack of blood ; less nutritious diet for too much blood ; also exercise. As a means of reducing the severity of an attack, and while there is power to swallow, chloroform, chloric or sulphuric ether, chloral hydrate, &c., should be given, or the animal may inhale the first, the latter being injected beneath the skin. When it is known that a nerve is at fault, it may be divided, or the firing-iron may be applied over the locality.
For doses, see pages 13 to 29.
According to Williams, is usually found within capsules or cysts, occupying the muscles of some animals, such as the pig, or even of man. When full-grown, the female is much larger than the male, being one-eighth and one- eighteenth of an inch in length respectively.
Small animals, such as rats, cats, and rabbits, when seriously infected, like man, soon succumb to the disease. The health of larger animals, however, is rarely affected. A pig that was experimented on in the Royal Veterinary College, showed no signs of the disease, notwithstanding an after-death examination indicated that its flesh prob ably contained 16,000,000 of living worms ! Other pigs, however, showed much general disturbance and suffering, arising from the irritation of the worms in the intestines and during their passage into the muscular tissue. The irritation of the alimentary canal, which lessens toward
the end of the first week after pigs have swallowed trich inæ, is denoted by loss of appetite, vomiting, colic, diar rhea, dullness, arching of the back, and an inclination to lie down and hide in the litter. These symptoms, ex cept the diarrhea, usually disappear in from six to eight days.
 Fig. 159. Pork Flesh Worm (Trichina Spiralis), imbedded in the flesh.
 Fig. 160. The immature worm, highly magnified.
When the trichinæ are numerous, the membranous pas sage of a great number of them induce in some pigs a fatal inflammation of the peritoneum ; in others a form of inflammation of the intestines, with ejection of false membrane.
Trichinous pork, if used at all, must be well cooked. Great heat is necessary to kill all the worms. The only safe plan is to cook all pork meat thoroughly.
In swine, cattle, or sheep means an internal or intra muscular disorder, not an external eruptive disease. It
 Fig. 163. Slice of roasted sirloin beef.
a, measles divided by knife into
nearly equal parts.
Fig. 164. Measle or Bladder Worm of beef. Magnified.
is caused by a tapeworm technically known as ‘ Tænia solium’ (solitary tapeworm), which imbeds itself in the
flesh. The eggs of the worm are taken up by the pig in its search for food here and there, especially among dung heaps and other filth. The worm is nearly spheroidal in shape, having an average diameter of about 1-694th of an inch, and therefore readily enters the circulation, whence it is carried to various parts of the body. It is very pro lific It lives about two years and produces at least 1,600 joints, each of which contains 53,000 eggs—total, 85,000,- 000. Fortunately, like the ova of other parasites, many are destroyed in various ways.
After the ova enter the flesh, several changes occur. The germs are inclosed in small cysts or bladders, each
 Fig. 165. Larva of Pork Tapeworm, Fig. 166. Head of Tænia Solium
with caudal vesicle, liberated or Pork Tapeworm,
from cyst. Hooks at top.
having a small, rudimentary head, with hooks and suck ers, &c. They remain in the body till the pig is slaugh tered, when, if the pork is not thoroughly cooked, they produce full-grown tapeworms. An unusually large num ber of them may kill a hog. They are peculiar to the
tender flesh of young animals, being unable to enter the solid flesh of those even one year old. (Armitage.) Prevention.—Feed swine on healthy food.
Is common. The causes are violent straining during constipation, diarrhea, impaction of the stomach, worms, piles, and injuries inflicted in the anus or intestine ; it may also follow difficult parturition and stitching across the vulva to prevent eversion of the uterus or bladder.
 Fig. 167. Protrusion of the Rectum.
Remedy.—When recent, the color bright, and the tu mor of moderate dimensions, merely wash parts gently with warm water, the whole carefully compressed at the sides by the fingers, which are spread so as to include as much of the tumor as possible. By a kneading move ment, in which the thumbs should be especially active, the central part gradually returns, followed by the outer, until the whole is replaced. Subsequent straining is to be checked—when not caused by constipation—by a full dose of opium or chloroform, chloric ether, &c., and in jections of the same fluids may be required. When con stipation is the cause, purgatives should be given, com bined with anodynes. Change food if necessary. Some times the organ is protruded six or seven inches, is greatly swollen, and now and then lacerated by being seized by other pigs. Foment for two hours or more, and if nee.
essary apply ice, astringents, &c. In other cases, when time has elapsed, the organ may be livid or dark purple in color and injured by the movements of the patient. Treat as above and recovery often follows. The cause of the protrusion must be ascertained and removed be fore a permanent cure can be effected. (Armitage.)
Is caused by the excessive use of highly stimulating food and lack of exercise.
Symptoms.—Dull ; refuses food ; avoids companions, even hiding in the straw or in a dark corner of the stye ; is obstinate, even bearing punishment before rising ; walks crampy, grunting or screaming ; anus clean and firmly contracted ; belly tender, pressure on which causing the animal to scream, rush away, and crouch at a distance ;
 Fig. 168. Usual position when suffering from Constipation
the invariable position is as shown above (Fig. 168) ; pulse rapid, full, hard ; membranes injected ; abdominal pain ; up and down, screaming or grunting ; urine de ficient, high colored, ammoniacal. If not relieved, the symptoms increase in severity ; becomes frantic ; apoplexy may end life. Sometimes the abdominal pains increase, diarrhea ensues, and the animal dies in from 12 to 24 hours of prostration.
Remedy.—Purge early with Epsom salt, 2 to 4 oz., powdered ginger, 1 dram, powdered gentian, 2 drams, calomel, 5 to 10 grains, mixed in linseed mucilage. In jections of soap and warm water every half hour. In 2
hours after giving the internal dose, give the following stimulant : Spirit nitric ether, 2 to 4 drams, essence of ginger, ½ dram, tincture of belladonna, 1 dram, in a half pint of warm linseed tea. Friction to skin ; general com fort. Laxative food at first, in sparing quantities and at regular intervals. Drink, tepid water, with a small quan tity of oatmeal, linseed tea, &c. Let animal roam. Care ful attention to food to prevent another attack. (Armi- tage.)
Is very common among young pigs, and such should be castrated by the covered operation. The general prac tice is to castrate in the usual way and stitch the divided scrotum. Sometimes castrators include the intestine in the suture, causing death. I have cut pigs with hernia by merely inclosing the scrotum in a loop of twine—first returning the intestine—and allowing the parts to be re moved by sloughing ; and they have done well. Pigs are peculiarly liable, during some seasons, to suffer from te tanus (so-called lock-jaw) after castration. (Williams.)
Is the same in nature in swine as in other animals, and should be treated the same. Give laxatives in warm mashes, and protect from exposure to cold, dampness, and drafts. (See pages 70 and 258.)
Which usually attacks sucking pigs, should be treated on the same general principles as diarrhea in other ani mals. The dose must be small for young pigs, and is best given in a shallow spoon or bottle, but for older an imals it may be mixed in a dainty dish. In sucking pigs see that the sow has healthy food ; in fact, look to the food in every case. (See pages 107, 246).
Is not common, but it should be combated with care and suitable remedies. Simple turpentine rubbed over the loins and back sometimes gives relief. If it fails, rub with the following penetrating linimen t: Alcohol, 1 pint, ammonia, ¼ oz., oil organum, ½ oz., oil sassafras, ½ oz., tincture opium, ¼ oz., tincture capsicum, ½ oz., oil tur pentine, ½ oz., camphor, ¼ oz. A teaspoonful of this lini ment, diluted with a wine-glass of water, will check di arrhea or colic in man as well as the lower animals. Re peat dose if necessary. Horses and cattle would require about ½ an oz. internally for colic ; water in proportion.
Should be treated with the above liniment, or some other equally soothing and penetrating. Give gentle lax ative in food if necessary, and keep swine in warm, dry quarters.
Also called heaves, thumps, &c., is a dangerous and usually incurable disease. (See pages 79, 261.)
Is an inflammation of the throat and adjacent parts, accompanied by more or less fever. It is similar to if not the same as laryngitis (sore throat). Apply warm fomentations and rub with soothing liniments. If exter nal suppuration takes place, encourage it, and treat it as a boil. If the animal can swallow, a tablespoonfu1 of turpentine and oil may be given in swill.
Quinsy, or strangles, as it is sometimes called, on ac count perhaps of the difficulty of breathing, is a danger ous disease.
Is caused by the mite illustrated below (Fig. 169). It is transmissible to man. (See pages 168, 281, 301.)
 Fig. 169. The mite or acarus known as Sarcoptes suis. Magnified.
For Lice, see pages 168, 284.
For Jaundice, see pages 133, 253.
For Foot and Mouth Disease, see page 224.
For Scrofula or Tuberculosis, see pages 91, 225.
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