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Contents of The People's Horse, Sheep, Cattle and Swine Doctor:( Clickable contents section below. )
The People's Horse, Cattle, Sheep and Swine Docotr does NOT have a contents page, so we have created one here, to make your task of finding the material you are after much easier we hope. It's a very interesting book with a ton of practical advice and suggestions from the turn of the 1800's to early 1900's. 1892, to be precise, is when the book was published. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of many horse and cattle problems, with sections on sheep / rams and on pigs / swine. In those early days of course, everyone who had to travel essentially did so by foot or horse or horse drawn carriage. So keeping your horse healthy and knowing what to do if something happened to the horse, was really important knowledge.Cattle, sheep and swine were also valuable livestock on a farm, but vets, even back then, were often out of reach of the poor farmers means or too far a way to get to the farm in time. So books like this one would have been of enormous value to such farmers, provided they could read. The People's Horse, Cattle, Sheep and Swine Doctor also contains many illustrations and pictures to help the reader understand the diseases and conditions and what to do.
MEDICINESMedicines and their DOSESMedicines and their CLASSES
COW, STEER and CATTLESkeleton of the cow
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